“Chriskirkpatrickmas: A Boy Band Christmas Musical” Adds Sharp-Witted Humor and Joy to the Holidays


They’re tearing up my heart! What a fun ride down American pop culture of the ’90s and early 2000s. Whether or not those were your teenage years, formative years, or can’t remember years, this show will resonate. “Chriskirkpatrickmas: A Boy Band Christmas Musical,” created by Valen Shore (Music/Lyrics/Book) and Alison Zatta (Lyrics/Book), pays homage to one of the biggest boy bands arguably ever, NSYNC. This ensemble is a tour de force in story, singing, movement, and creativity. 

Elizabeth Ho, Emily Lambert, Mia-Carina Mollicone – Photo by: Matt Kamimura

The show depicts the actual story of the band, starting during the very early days with Chris Kirkpatrick in Florida. The rise and fall, the trial and tribulations that the band faced were beautiful, and heartbreaking at times. The cast burst into epic-like original musical numbers to depict the rise and fall of the band. It starts in a Starbucks coffee shop at Christmas time, where Chris is giving his all to get the band back together but, of course, one hot shot in the band starts a solo career and (guess who?) doesn’t show up. That’s right Mr. Sexy Back himself, Justin Timberlake. The band’s slimy first manager makes a grand appearance, a pariah of a manager if you ask me, promising them the world and eventually ripping them off. 

Elizabeth Ho, Mia-Carina Mollicone, Nicole Wyland, Riley Rose Critchlow, Valen Shore Photo by: Matt Kamimura

The talent of music director Taylor Williams, Lili Fuller’s choreography, and the entire cast of Riley Rose Critchlow (Lance), Elizabeth Ho (Joey), Emily Lambert (Lou), Mia-Carina Mollicone (J.C.), Valen Shore (Chris), Nicole Wyland (Justin), and Alison Zatta (Marky Mark), keeps this piece rock solid. The creators, Shore and Zatta, find a beautiful way to transition from past to present, giving the audience a true depiction of what went on behind and in front of closed doors. The fame, brotherhood, and/or sisterhood of what could still be if everyone just stuck to the script. The pain, anguish, and joy of the characters were very heartfelt and begs the question, why don’t they just get back together and share some more good music with the world?

Mia-Carina Mollicone, Emily Lambert, Valen Shore, Elizabeth Ho – Photo by: Matt Kamimura

The show is a triumph and will warm your heart with its sharp-witted, fresh, and fun way to present a holiday musical. Wondering what all the actual members of the old band would think of this show? Best bets say that they’d be very proud.

Check the “Chriskirkpatrickmas: A Boy Band Christmas Musical” Adds Sharp-Witted Humor and Joy to the Holidayswebsite for additional performances: https://www.chriskirkpatrickmas.com/