About a hundred invited guest, along with celebs Peter Fonda, Mariel Hemmingway, Ed Begley, Jr, James Cromwell and George Chakiris (of “West Side Story”) fame braved last night’s cool temperatures to be among the first to see the eye opening sneak preview of Josh Tickell’s brilliant documentary, FUEL. The film investigates the possible replacement of fossil fuels with renewable energy. It won the Sundance Audience Award for best documentary this past January and opens at the Laemmle’s Sunset 5 in West Hollywood Friday, February 13th.

This is a film well worth seeing.

The sneak preview was held at L.A.’s only environmentally conscious gas station, ConversvFuel on San Vicente in Brentwood.

On exhibit were the latest in Green Cars, the new Tessla, E box, an electric powered vehicle, the GM Fuel Cell Car, a bio diesel tanker and a big green energy bus that runs on solar power.

Whole Foods provided the finger food and guest consumed organic wine and beer and hot tea under threat of rain that never materialized.  Dawna Shuman handled PR for the event.

FUEL features appearances by Woody Harrelson, Sheryl Crowe, Larry David, Neil Young and Julia Roberts, among many others. The screening was followed by a Q&A with Peter Fonda, Mariel Hemmingway, Ed Begley Jr. and filmmaker, Josh Tickell.

For more information about this important, must-see motion picture, please visit:http://thefuelfilm.com